Monday, June 28, 2010


Little, Brown have announced that they're piloting eBook versions of certain novels with DVD-style extras. Some interesting ideas, but I feel they really don't go far enough. How about:

A 4000-hour long Andy Warhol style documentary showing the author's hands, typing out the novel.

A commentary track featuring author and editor.

Every draft of the novel.

A version of the novel in which every other word is redacted.

A Georges Perec remix in which every word containing the letter e is replaced with an equivalent.

A version of the novel which is twice as long, but contains nothing new or extra.

A version of the novel annotated with emoticons.

Video clips in which the people on which the characters are based explain what they would have really done.

Links to live video feeds from locations in the novel.

A mashup in which the novel's characters are replaced by characters from Pride and Prejudice.

The author's tax returns.

A map of the author's study.

All the material that ends up at the bottom of word-processing drafts (I believe Nicholson Baker actually did this).

A list of every book and newspaper and magazine article the author read during the period of composition, and URLs for every website visited.

A list of everything the author ate and drank during the period of composition.

The possibilities are endless!
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