Friday, March 20, 2020


There's been a glitch in making the ebook of War of the Maps available in the US. Gollancz's digital detectives have now worked out what has gone wrong, and the ebook should be available on all platforms from March 25th. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's Alive

Publication day for War of the Maps in the UK.

And like all other books whose publication has been caught up in the ongoing circumstances, it is a very muted affair -- out in the world, at least. Various appearances linked with publication have been cancelled; Amazon will not reorder any more books once its current stock is exhausted, as it wants to concentrate on essential supplies. And I understand why many readers may be reluctant to go and buy it in a bookshop: I am currently self-isolating, and hope that all of you are staying as safe as you can.

But the ebook is available to download, both here in the UK and in the US (once a glitch that has prevented the ebook showing on has been fixed, that is). And there are places where you can buy the physical book online other than Amazon.

Wordery is currently offering War of the Maps at a steep discount, with free postage.

The Book Depository is offering a 20% discount, and free postage anywhere in the world.

Forbidden Planet has an online shop; you can find War of the Maps here.

In Scotland, there's SFF specialist Transreal Fiction, offering free home delivery in and around Edinburgh.

Blackwell's, Foyles and Waterstones are also selling it online. Blackwell's and Foyles offer free postage, and in the Blackwell's online store the book is currently discounted to £11.75.

You could order it from your favourite independent bookshop. If they don't have it in stock they can order it for you. Many offer free postage or free local delivery. Hive will make a small donation to your local bookshop with every purchase, but it's best to buy directly. Here are a few good independent booksellers in London:
Big Green Bookshop
Bookseller Crow
Burley Fisher Books

Finally, the UK ebook is available from Google Play. 

If you have a recommendation, let me know. I'll add it to the list.

And do think of supporting other books caught up in these difficult times. For instance Aliette De Bodard's House of Sundering Flames, Chris Humphreys' Smoke in the Glass, and Elizabeth Bear's Ancestral Night, all three also published by Gollancz today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Best Of The Best New Horror

Sometimes I write horror stories. One, a precursor to my alternate Rennaisance  novel Pasquale's Angel, is included in The Best of Best New Horror, Volume 1, edited by Stephen Jones, and available for order from PS Publishing right now.

Here's the TOC:

  • Editor’s Foreword
  • Introduction: Bettering the Best — RAMSEY CAMPBELL
  • No Sharks in the Med [1989] — BRIAN LUMLEY
  • The Man Who Drew Cats [1990] — MICHAEL MARSHALL SMITH
  • The Same in any Language 1991] — RAMSEY CAMPBELL
  • Norman Wisdom and the Angel of Death [1992] — CHRISTOPHER FOWLER
  • Mefisto in Onyx [1993] — HARLAN ELLISON®
  • The Temptation of Dr. Stein [1994] — PAUL J. McAULEY
  • Queen of Knives [1995]— NEIL GAIMAN
  • The Break [1996] — TERRY LAMSLEY
  • Emptiness Spoke Eloquent [1997] — CAITLÍN R. KIERNAN
  • Mr. Clubb and Mr. Cuff [1998] — PETER STRAUB
  • Index to the First Ten Years of Best New Horror
        I: Index by Contributor
        II: Index by Title
        III: Contents of Previous Omnibus Editions
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